pondělí 2. dubna 2012

[stars] FUBU Hello Kitty & TOP

Hello Kitty a Tabi (Big Bang) ? Really? 

FUBU  kolaborace s Hello Kitty?
Ano je to tak...

We’ve already heard that you’ll be working with Hello Kitty in May. It seems a bit surprising?
Soh CD: It’ll be my first time working with Hello Kitty in the clothing aspect. As of now, a lot of people still have a biased perception on what is hip-hop. In Korea, many people think that baggy pants represent hip-hop culture but nowadays, not a lot of hip-hop stars wear clothes like that anymore. I want to change this perception as soon as I can, so I think this collaboration will have a completely different meaning. Hopefully this will raise FUBU’s popularity in the spring time.
TOP: Collaborating with pop art is become a world trend and this will produce a lot of different elements. I wouldn’t have this thought if Soh CD wasn’t collaborating with Hello Kitty. CD & TOP will transform FUBU, haha.

Jelikož Top spolupracuje s FUBU byl požádán o spolupráci i na tomto projektu...

Objevit se něco v éteru má až na konci dubna.
Já ano...

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